Experience Effective GOP Leadership at the CCRP-OH: Clark County's Trusted Representation is Found at the Clark County Board of Elections at: https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/clark/cnm.aspx
The image below lists the officers of the Clark County Republican Party as found on the Clark County Board of Elections website. See the official Party membership list at the BOE website.
The Clark County Republican Party Central and Executive Committee is the only unincorporated non-profit 527 income tax-exempt organization legally mandated by Title 35 of the Ohio Revised Code to lawfully exist in Clark County, Ohio. Its members and leadership are elected and organized every four years therefore its membership includes precinct captains who were elected on the May 2022 primary ballot and who took their oath at the June 6, 2022 organizational meeting. Precinct captains can also be added mid-term by appointment to fill vacancies and some resign or are removed mid-term in accordance with Party Bylaws.
There is a lawful renewal of Party membership and officers every four years according to ORC Title 35, not sooner. Precinct captains make up the Central Committee and fall under the authority of the Central Committee Chairman who is Chairman William Lindsey.
There are three jobs the Central Committee is tasked by law to perform:
to appoint/elect an Executive Committee;
to consider endorsements and support of Republican candidates; and
to fill elected official government vacancies such as for a county commissioner or county auditor.
No other organization or group but the Clark County Republican Party Central Committee has the lawful authority to perform the third task. Non-profits, PACS, clubs, and other board types can, of course, perform the first two tasks. See our Party Trade Name Certificate to know you are looking at the "Real Deal" and not some imposter group or rogue political movement:
The Clark County Republican Party Executive Committee manages the day-to-day operations, the business and finances, and the fundraising of the Clark County Republican Party. The Executive or "Party Chairman" oversees the Executive Committee and makes sure the Party is fulfilling its duties and staying financially accountable, responsible, and transparent through its public campaign finance reports. The Party Chairman is Laura Rosenberger.
As the Clark County Republican Party is lawfully considered by the State of Ohio to be an official campaign, it is legally obligated to publicly file campaign finance reports with the Secretary of State and local Board of Elections in accordance with campaign finance law. We are not a club or a political activism movement. This is the only way contributors like you can make sure your money is accounted in an honest and GAAP-compliant manner. No other political organization in Clark County is regulated in this manner with the exception of candidate campaigns or PACS. So rest assured, every penny you contribute to the Clark County Republican Party is accounted for properly and spent in accordance with its ONLY mission which is to support Republican Candidates.
Party Chairman Laura Rosenberger and Central Committee Chairman William Lindsey
We are the ONLY Clark County Organization mandated by law into existence in every four years. See our Service Mark (logo) registration here:
The official list of members and officers can be found at the Clark County Board of Elections:
Party Treasurer is Amy Board and Party Secretary is Carol Godin.